Saturday, August 13, 2011



First let me make you do a small experiment. 

Bring boths your hands together , and touch the tips of your 5 fingers of your left hand with that of your right.  Now take it apart by one centimeter, and again make 10 fingers bounce of each other about 6 times.

This is why Indians eat with the fingers . Putting fingers into the mouth aids digestion , as more saliva is released by finger tip energy. 

It is common to see rock show audiences showing the AC DC symbol , by sticking out the fore finger and tiny finger like horns .  

Well  there are two types-- top one is APAN mudra, and the bottom one KARANA mudra.

What do the body language experts know?

On Dec 21st 2012, a new Yuga starts after the 25675 year old precession cycle of the Kali Yuga.  Our DNA has been reduced from 100% in use to  96% junk. 12 strand DNA has been reduced to 2 strand DNA,  which are destroyed by RNA viruses like AIDS and SARS which have one strand RNA. 

The resonance of the planet earth has increased from 7.83 hertz to more than 10 hertz.  This is worsened by selfish experiments like HAARP.  Only human consciousness can correct this erosion. We cannot afford to have our Sun go supernova. It is a choice we have to make, rather we have NO choice. 

This is where the secrets of Mudras come in.

I must digress . We have a choice to take our human body and mind to the levels of ancient Maharshis who were of the Vedic civilization on the back of the river Saraswati from 9000 BC to 4000 BC, after which they migrated all over to Euphrates, Nile, and even major rivers of Europe ( Dryuhus or Druids ). The Saraswati river dried up in 4000 BC due to a major tectonic shift., causing the Aryans to migrate OUTWARDS .

Mudras are in tunes with the laws of the cosmos. As is the microcosm so it the macrocosm.
Now I must crack the myth of Stonehenge once and for all. The ancient Vedic Indian Mandalas (like at Stonehenge) were safe  and silent elevated geometric spots for the Druids or Dryuhus to connect their minds with the cosmos, and do the secretive Mudra rituals, after consuming the super mushroom Soma ( mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC ) which elevated the Kundalini , raised the consciousness and did DNA repair.  

Getting disturbed halfway by worldly affairs while raising your Kundalini was NOT an option as you could severely damage your mind and body connection. There is great secrecy, and after climing on top of the platform with round pillars, they raise the rope ladder on top. These evolved sages with golden auras , 12 strand DNAs’ and kingsized pineal glands  could do superhuman tasks, like converting energy  to matter, teleportation, telepathy etc..

I had an Estonian IT engineer coming on my ship to retrieve my Satcom communication system which had a virus. He and his wife were running a Kundalini and Mudra school, back home . He has zilch idea what the ancient Vedic science was, yet they were teaching a highly evolved art, where everything has to be done with Fibonacci precision and timing . 

You must remember , when Sanatana Dharma ( Hinduism ) was an evolved religion in 9000 BC, worshipping the black Shiva lingam stones , the white man’s land had just come out from the quartenary ice age. And there were very few people on this planet. The next oldest religion came 7000 years later.

The test Arjuna took in Mahabharata of 4000 BC, to win the hand of Draupadi , is a test of consciousness, NOT Robin Hood type shooting skill .  

Only humans can see themselves in the mirror other than elephants. 





This is why in Indian temples , we keep house elephants for Pujas.  The African variety is NOT conscious.  A handful like evolved Bonobos, Dolphins etc pass the mirror test , only partially.   When Arjun looked into the water pool and shot his arrow through the eye of a magnetic fish with a ruby eye, unsteadily floating in a rotating transparent container overhead it was a supreme test of consciousness.

Mudras are symbolic finger /hand gestures and body postures.  It is about expression on inner resolve by deeds NOT words like Mantras. Yet they retain the efficacy of the spoken word on the DNA.

There are 108 mudras . Most of the sea of knowledge has been eroded. There are very few masters. 108 is a divine number , as all rosaries hold 108 beads.  Kalari has 108 marmas.

I will NOT be attaching too many Mudra pictures on this post, as I am NOT a MUDRA GURU.  I just know what it means and what it can do, and I can explain it well to a layman. Be aware that in the Vedic times a Mudra guru was held in the same esteem as Ishwar or god.

Instead of taking drugs and medicine with side effects, the Mudra system which is an off shoot of the Ayurveda sytem, does the same thing without side effects, faster and with permanent results.

You will NOT believe this unless you suffer from a sever ear ache, OR see shooting stars while passing blocked urine, OR vertigo is bringing you down , and you get a instant miraculous mudra cure . --

--- Or a woman with the middle life crisis having severe endless bleeding ,  is in total depression at a loss on what to do next --  OR a Parkinson patient starts remembering his family  OR an obese female starts losing weight -- after such an instant and miraculous cure , you will NEVER EVER look back.

It is about time reversal. I have put a post on it in a scientific manner.

Budha was a evolved Indian Mudra guru. One day an mad elephant rushed at him, and Buddha without losing his meditative composture, used the Karana Mudra hand symbol while resonating his pineal gland with his 12 strand DNA , and pacified the elephant, before the tusker could gore him.

All classical Indian dances use the mudra poses. Bharatanatyam dance form used all 108 of the Mudras.

Lord Krishna was in the pose of Gyan Mudra when he gave the Bhagavat Gita discourse to Prince Arjuna--just before the Mahabharat war in 4000 BC. 

This was narrated by the telepathic seer Sanjaya  to blind king Dhritarashtra sitting thousands of miles away.

Almost all ancient Hindu temples more than 5000 years old,  have statues showing Mudra finger and hand poses.

When an Indian greets soemone with a Namaste--it is again a Mudra sign. It is a sign of goodwill and respect, like a handshake --without passing bacteria.

You raise the namaste sign to your forehead , and then it becomes a payer sign-- of reverence nay veneration.

Handing out a betel leaf in a Kerala wedding is another Mudra.

Mudra is about free electrons at the finger tips having concentrated nerve root endings , getting redirected back INTERNALLY to the brain along chosen neural circuits. This is very differnt from external acupressure aue acupunture.
Five forces are controlled by Mudra.  They are  Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana, and Udana, and they are part of the  Kundalini's energy.

Through Mudras you  gather these five forces together, bringing them to their home, the Mother Kundalini, which is sleeping at the Muladhara Chakra, as Static energy of the Mother of the Universe. Your Kundalini is sleeping. It has to be awakened , or you have NOT experienced ecstasy and bliss on this planet.

When the Apana rises upward to the 'Fire Chakra,' the flame of divine fire grows strong and bright, being fanned by Apana. When the Apana fire mixes with the Prana, which is naturally hot, the spiritual heat of the body becomes bright and powerful.   

When the Kundalini feels this extra heat, she will awaken from sleep; then she goes into the Sushumna.  The Kundalini is coiled like a serpent, and by Mudra the Kundalini will certainly move and open the mouth of the Sushumna.   

Without moving the Kundalini, there are no other means that will clear away the impurities of the 7200 Nadis.  The Great Goddess Kundalini, the Energy of the Self, sleeps in the Muladhara. She has the form of a serpent, having three coils and a half. As long as she is asleep in the body, (finer body), the jiva is a mere animal, and true wisdom does not arise.

Some of the important Mudras: Maha , Nabho , Udiyana, Maha Bandha, Maha Vedha, Kechari, Jalandhara, Yoni, Viparitakarna, Kaki, Sambhavi etc

Mudras will NOT be taught by a Guru, unless he sees that you are worthy of being taught. Or it is like giving a tinderbox to a money.

When you know man, you know the universe. 

Yajur Veda reveals :  "Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde"--   "As is the individual, so is the universe, as is the universe, so is the individual." 

the below link is for chetan chandra who queried on my post BLUE AVATAR AND VIAGRA dated 2nd dec 2010, for his allergy problems..

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